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Dec 4, 2024

You have everything in you already to live a Brilliantly Resilient life. You have Resilience and you have your own personal Brilliance. It's already there. You were born with both of those things.

~ Mary Fran Bontempo, Author,

From Broken to Brilliant: How to Live a Brilliantly Resilient Life


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Oct 22, 2024

Let's have smarter intergenerational conversations. Let's be OK and not threatened by the fact that you see this differently than me. Let's figure out why and how that could actually be helpful and beneficial. 

Dr. Megan Gerhardt

Author of Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational...

Oct 8, 2024

No one checks in on them, right? They often delay their own grief, put off their own mourning in order to support their parents and step up. But then? They remain there and they never really get a turn to express their own grief, or to be the mourner in the room.

Annie Orenstein ~ Author of  Always a Sibling: The...

Sep 24, 2024

“I'm trying to open stutter more. Because I I've reached a level of of acceptance that I'm proud of, but I'm nowhere near where I need to be. I interview people on podcasts who openly stutter, and I'm so proud of them because they do it without shame and that's the real issue. The real issue is shame, every day, when...

Sep 10, 2024

“Here’s the myth I want to break: that self-love is selfish. The more we love ourselves, the less attention we have on ourselves and the more generous we become in a very natural, easy, relaxed way.”

~ Rachel Madorsky

How to Love Yourself in Less Than a Week and Also for the Rest of Your LIfe


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